Maybe it's that I walk for over an hour & 1/2 each day.
That I can't decide if I'm too lazy to bring either a bike or scooter in order to shorten that time, or that I'm too afraid that my clumsiness on either will land me a red-stained spot on the pavement.
Maybe it's the urge that I'd rather sleep, go to work or spend time with my family.
That I without a doubt s p r e a d m y s e l f t o o t h i n . I curse my 18 credits.
Maybe it's because I have 2 math classes.
And that I'm deeply disappointed in the class that I was most excited for. Dear Dr. K, although I've learned a lot, I signed up for Honors in Writing not a political and argumentative debate class thank youuu.
Or that I always leave my American Institutions class with a headache.
Maybe it's because I miss last semester and my frequent visits to the library which I don't have time for now.
It's probably because I've procrastinated to such a level that I don't even know who I am.
And it most definitely is that I'm a perfectionist and won't allow any failure even by the littlest means in my education.
As far as school goes, I am exhausted.
And I hate:
how I've reacted to it.
how I've become the typical college procrastinator.
that I let myself become overwhelmed.
that I let my poor attitude about this semester get the best of me.
and portrayed the "shew school don't bother me" look.
It seriously stops now.
On another note, everything else is