Don't worry, mom has us all on lock down. Even though, I'm pretty sure it's all her fault in the first place.
Example from a few days ago.
Proceed. Paraphrasing of course.
Adriane: Ew I hate that!
Mom: Uh uh! We don't say the h word!
Adriane: What the hell?
Mom: Ah ah ah! NO. We can only say "h"!
Cue sarcastic response.
Kelsey: What the "h" does "h" mean?! I "h" this.
Adriane: This is stupid.
Adriane: This is stupid.
Mom: We don't say stupid.
Adriane: This is "s".
Oh danks mom.
Because Simone & Gabriel are growing up & have entered the world of big kid stuff like going to preschool & whatnot, they've also become the poster children for the "what's that called?"- phase. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that folks. They will believe anything you tell them. Even if it was inadvertently spoken.
Hence this time:
Insert flashback.
Simone & Gabe: Ewwww!! It's a bug!
Both having a finger pointing towards the top corner of the window in our living room.
It's a moth actually.
Simone & Gabe: What's it called??? (x3)
Kelsey: Oh it's a moth.. HOLY CHICKEN!
I couldn't resist the natural instinct to shout that last part out when I saw that in my neighbor's backyard they had chickens. wtc? New news to who? This guy right here.
So, I sat back down & continued chatting with my mom.
Gabe: Get da chicken! Get it Simmy!
Sim: Ewwwhewhehhew it's a chicken!
5 minutes later.
Mom: Uh.. why are they calling that moth a chicken?
Whoops! Even though I didn't mean to, I was deeply saddened when my mom set the record straight. Moths are now chickens in my book no matter what you say.
Events like:
-Simmy: Kelsey don't be so dramagic!
while you are tickling her armpit.
-What's your name? COO-COO.
Then she laughs for about 30 seconds and then says it again and again.
-What's your name? COO-COO.
Then she laughs for about 30 seconds and then says it again and again.
-Singing JBiebs or "All By Myself"
-Being woken up early on the only day you can sleep in by two sweet beauties because they want you to come upstairs so that they can "love you".
-Getting a flinging object of some sort thrown at your head more than once daily.
-Getting a flinging object of some sort thrown at your head more than once daily.
-Or classic references to movies & TV shows spilling out their mouths.
are not a rarity.
With all their funny & mischievous moments, abnormally keen knowledge of what makes a boy a boy and a girl a girl, love for music and learning, I'd say these two are quite the chatterboxes. We knew that they had to be part of the family somehow. There's your proof.
You totally wish you were part of it.
You totally wish you were part of it.