Saturday, August 27, 2011

guess what? i am not a robot.


Yes. Okay.. It's true. I've FAILED miserably. Blog failer= Kelsey. I know, I know.

But I've been busy okay? Ya know, going into creepy magic forests and conquering mystical demons with my sweet rapping skills. The usual. nbd.

In all honesty, I just don't know what to tell you guys about my life. And I've seen my blog start to dwindleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. When I started, I had a BILLION ideas of what I could blog about. Now that I can't remember all those blog posts options, I am lost. la-la-lost Kelsey Skousen

Where has my creativity gone?
Better yet, where has my funniness gone?
What is worthy of blogging?
What kind of feel do I want my blog to have?
What am I going to do about this?
Have I turned into a robot?

Absolutely.. NOT! 
I just gotta find my groove again. 
I got this. 
I hope..

Sers guys, don't worry about it. I've got a plan. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Someone pointed this out to me the other day and I didn't think it was true- I have a fear of some pretty ordinary things, but wouldn't think twice about doing something everyone else finds too scary.

Ex: I am TERRIFIED of cats. Ask anyone who knows me, I run for the hills when I see one!

BUT guess who saw a bobcat that was someone's pet. Isn't that illegal?? idiots. and practically ran out there to go meet and pet it. Check that off my list of things to do before I die. It was so cool! 


So apparently he was right. I'm scared of some of the most ordinary things.. let's call it ordinariphobia. 

Uno mas. I've also realized that I fail at blogging, so this is MY promise to be better and blog more often. INSERT CHEERS AND SOME LOVELY "OOOOHs!". cause it's gonna be exciting.. or something?? 


Sunday, August 7, 2011

joy kills sorrow.

You know how you go through life and learn lessons from all your experiences and simply become better? Well I've just realized one of the greatest lessons I'll ever learn..

joy kills sorrow. 

So whether you are going through low or high times in life, remember what brings you joy. It truly kills sorrow.