After watching [a number I won't even mention] episodes of The Big Bang Theory, I couldn't resist my craving to eat some Thai food. So I did.
Back to school & the busy life. I missed it.
My hatred towards this semester has semi-ceased to exist. I'm back baby. Bring it 8-ish weeks, I dare you.
If I go one day without reading my scriptures, my day isn't nearly as good.
I think my parents have way too much fun with this app, but I'm so happy they do because it makes me smile when I get one or two of these everyday in my email. & yes family, I miss you. Come home.

The new iPhone update is a treasure.
As is Bossypants by Tina Fey.
Want a fun night out with friends or whatever? Go to PPT
Aubrey & I went on a lunch date to Hickory Kist Deli. mmm.
100% on math quiz.
Most importantly.. I realized what I thought to be the time where my friends were all either studying abroad or serving their wonderful two years as a missionary while I stayed here & missed them, is actually an important time in my life to grow & learn all the lessons I need to learn [i.e. patience].
Stupendous life? Check.
Bon nuit!
*Side note: I really am busy, but somehow I just make time for these random things.