And they both are traced back to one of the most routinely (hopefully. if not, you are an idiot.) used items in the world: the toothbrush. Believe me when I say this, there must be some curse floating around.
The first, happened many many years ago. Even before I was born. Let me paint a picture. A married couple (which have some association with my mom, but I don't know??) go on vacation to the home of the Italians: ITALY. While there, they saw many of the beautiful sites, ate true italian food and felt loved. They took tons and tons of pictures. Oh and as a side note, this was during the time when film was mostly used in cameras and folks had to go get their pictures developed at a photo centers... (those were the days). Upon their return home. They picked up their developed pictures, excited to show everyone. But think again. A group of gypsy men had a little fun and broke into their hotel at the beginning of their trip. Want to know what they did? Let's just say that this lovely American couple got plenty of pictures of these men with their toothbrushes where the sun don't shine. Yes, this is a revolting story I know. The couple had been using those EXACT toothbrushes since! Ewww. Don't you want to go throw up now?
Anyways, part 2 of this two-part sequence:
A few days ago, my parents gave me some tragic news. The last time we bought toothbrushes, I apparently took Rick's after a few uses. EW. and they let me keep using it!? Gah. I'm disgusted. THEN, the very next day, I was getting ready for school. It was way too early and I wasn't what you call "awake". So I'm sitting there brushing my teeth thinking about how gross it is when people share toothbrushes. I rinse my mouth and toothbrush only to look down and see.. THAT I HAD BEEN USING MY SISTER'S TOOTHBRUSH! I quickly grabbed mine and brushed my teeth 6 or so times. That whole day, I felt disgusted. But don't worry guys.. I have solved the curse. I got a new toothbrush!!:):) Best decision I've ever made.
I know my situation isn't as bad as a Gypsy Sun No Shine Toothbrush.. but isn't it?? Gah.
So with the disposal of my old toothbrush, the curse has been vanquished. Hallelujah!! And yes. I know I'm an idiot.
Brand SPANKIN' new:)
I love this new toothbrush more than words can express.
I do not wish this upon my worst enemy.
Never Again.
Curse you Gypsy Toothbrush.