Saturday, May 14, 2011

and the Songbirds are singing like they know the Score.

I witnessed one of the saddest but cutest events ever in my backyard the other day. I don't even know why I go out.

First of all, you know those Windex commercials where the windows are SOOO shiny and the birds run into them? Well I'll tell you one thing, Windex is not the reason why birds fly into windows. Our windows don't show that "streak free" shine and birds still frequently run into them. Those darn birds I tell ya!

Anyways, a cute female quail hit into our patio window. After the big bang and our family's attention, she got back up but stumbled, fell back down, convulsed and died. A little after, her mate flew down by her side, cried/squawked, puffed his body up and stayed there to protect her. Cute right? He only left her side a few times and so when we got the chance, we put her body on the other side of our fence. When he came back, let's just say he was not singing songs of happiness. He was panicking and squawking as he tried to find her. The cutest part of this was when I looked outside the next day and there he was.. perched on top of the fence right above her. 
I think he'll die there by her side.  

Now that I know the true meaning of love birds, I feel a little bit jealous. 

So this one's for you, stay true love birds. 

oh and P.S. any of you who eat quail, think twice because once you kill one, you may as well have killed the other. Have a good day!