I didn't eat anything after midnight.
I woke up early.
yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada. yada.
Before I knew it, I no longer had my wisdom teeth.
With silly slurs and the desire for EVERYONE to touch my chin, I was quite the hoot to be around.
I even pretended to have a seizure and pass out (kiddingly telling a story).
I cried when my sister got me yellow Powerade instead of Gatorade. I honestly bawled.
I ran into a Facebook friend and introduced myself.
I slept at a rehearsal.
Basically I talked and laughed more than usual. I know hard to believe.
With my experience, wisdom teeth weren't too painful or too much of a hassle. My main complaint? Not being able to eat.. normally.
For all of you that got to see me all loopy, I apologize! Thanks for all the love! I am so grateful for my friends and family.
Day 1: looking lovely..and stoned.
Day 2: Wee bit o' swelling.
Day 3: "Hiii I'm Gopher!"
For all of you who in the future will undergo an operation, here are 20 things one can do while healing and loopy:
1. Pick a foreign accent and talk in it all day.
2. Make a Halloween costume out of your bedsheets.
3. Answer an ad on how to make BIG money at home.
4. Learn the Morse code.
5. Build a fort out of tissues and toilet paper rolls.
6. Practice to become the World's Fastest Remote Control User.
7. Name the 50 states: now try their capitals.
8. Become a ventriloquist.
9. Make a macaroni sculpture. favorite.
10. Try to sell your macaroni sculpture on eBay.
11. Teach yourself to levitate. unless you are like me and already know. duh.
12. Say the alphabet backward.
13. Practice exotic bird calls.
14. See how long you can go without blinking.
15. Gargle the "Star-Spangled Banner."
16. Plan how you'd spend the money if you won a lottery.
17. Make puppets out of empty pill bottles.
18. Call a talk show and say you're a space alien. See if anyone notices.
19. Draw happy faces on your toes.
20. Concentrate on feeling better soon! Cheesy and stupid. obviously.
and no, I am not creative enough to come up with these by myself.
I credit it to a get well card duh.
I also want to do a bunch of this stuff regardless. oh how the immature part of me yearns to come out.
I bid you adieu.